Cosmeceutical Skin Care Formulation

Cosmeceutical Skin Care Formulation

The Cosmeceutical Skin Care Formulation Course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge about the development and formulation of high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products. Cosmeceuticals are a hybrid of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals that have bioactive ingredients that provide therapeutic benefits to the skin. This course will provide an in-depth understanding of the various ingredients used in cosmeceutical skincare formulations, including antioxidants, peptides, growth factors, and other active ingredients.

Students will learn the principles of formulation development, including selecting appropriate ingredients, formulating for stability, and creating effective delivery systems. The course will also cover product testing, regulatory requirements, and packaging considerations.

Hands-on lab sessions will allow students to apply their knowledge by formulating various types of cosmeceutical skincare products, such as serums, creams, and masks. Students will also have the opportunity to customize formulations based on skin type and specific skin concerns.

Upon completion of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the cosmeceutical skincare industry and be equipped with the skills to formulate high-performance skincare products. This knowledge can be applied to careers in product development, research, and marketing in the skincare industry.